Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop

from £80.00


Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Workshop for a Prosperous New Year!

📅 Date and Time:

Class A (In-person/ Mandarin): 4th Feb 2024, 10:00-17:00 BST (With an hour lunch break, lunch not included.)

Class B (In-person/English): 11th Feb 2024, 10:00-17:00 BST (With an hour lunch break, lunch not included.)

Class C (Online/ Mandarin): 31st Jan, 7th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

Class D (Online/ English): 3rd, 10th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

Class E (Online/ English): 17th, 24th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

📍 Location: Class A, B -> CB1 2EA Cambridge, UK

Class C, D, E -> Microsoft Teams

*All materials needed for the projects are included in the fee. Including printed calico, Pearl chainChainstone, gold pearl purl, gold flat sequins, dark gold seed bead, Miyuki gold glass seed bead, and glass bugle bead.

*Note: This workshop is to create a beaded dragon, not a brooch. If you wish to make a brooch as shown in the picture, make sure to add on an extra Chinese Dragon Brooch Kit.

Please note that there are no refunds for the courses, except if materials are not delivered on time. Please confirm your availability before registering. For more details, refer to the Q&A below.

[For online classes]

* The online course link will be sent one week before the start.

Materials will be prepared and shipped to you before the class. Shipping cost is extra (£10 for Taiwan/USA, £8.95 for Europe). Shipping is free in the UK.


🧵✨ Rosie's Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Fusion of Creativity and Cultural Celebration! 🐉🎊

Embrace the art of hand embroidery this Chinese New Year in an enchanting workshop designed for crafters of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned stitcher or a complete novice, join Rosie for a day filled with creativity, cultural immersion, and the joy of crafting your very own beaded Chinese dragon masterpiece.

🌟 Workshop Highlights:

  • Beaded Dragon Design: Let Rosie's stunning design be your inspiration as you embark on a creative journey to craft a symbol of strength and good fortune.

  • Six Different Bead Embroidery Techniques: Explore the intricate world of bead embroidery with expert guidance. Rosie will walk you through six techniques to bring your dragon to life.

  • High-quality Materials only: Rosie knows all too well about how important the quality of the material is when it comes to hand embroidery. All the materials are hand-picked by Rosie to ensure you a smooth and satisfying experience.

  • Cultural Experience(in-person workshops only): Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Chinese New Year. Enjoy complimentary Chinese tea, indulge in delightful biscuits, and connect with the warmth of cultural appreciation.

  • Inclusive Atmosphere: Whether you speak English or Chinese, all are welcome to partake in this unique fusion of creativity and cultural celebration.

🧘‍♀️ A Day of Relaxation and Connection: Picture yourself in a cozy setting, surrounded by like-minded individuals, sipping aromatic Chinese tea, and creating art that reflects the beauty of Chinese tradition. This workshop aims to offer a relaxing, slow-living day where you can unwind, connect with others, and celebrate the Chinese New Year in a unique and artistic way.

🎉 Reserve Your Spot: Join us for a day of creativity, cultural appreciation, and the joy of hand embroidery. Limited spots available, so secure your spot now and let the threads of tradition weave a memorable experience this Chinese New Year!

Additional Tool Set (available for purchase):

  1. Extra-fine stainless steel tweezers*1

  2. Vintage stainless steel embroidery scissors*1

  3. Size 12 hand-sewing needles*5

  4. Non-splintering beechwood embroidery hoop*1

Tools Needed for the Online Course:

  • Size 12 hand-sewing needle (John James recommended)

  • Stainless steel embroidery scissors

  • Extra-fine stainless steel tweezers (optional)

  • A 16cm wooden embroidery hoop or two 10cm woodworking clamps (optional)

Choose either an embroidery hoop for hands-free stitching (refer to the last image) or woodworking clamps for securing the hoop to a table (refer to the last image).—————————————————————————

Common Q&A:

Q: Can I join if I have no embroidery experience?

A: Absolutely! This design is perfect for beginners, and Rosie will guide everyone through the basics of goldwork embroidery in a simple and understandable way.

Q: Are materials included?

A: Yes, all materials needed for the project are included in the course fee. For the in-person workshops, you don’t need to bring anything with you; for the online workshops, Rosie will personally prepare and ship materials to each participant before the class. However, tools must be prepared by participants. If you're unsure about tools, Rosie has curated a toolset for purchase that she believes is the most useful.

Q: What if I don't understand the online class?

A: Rosie has extensive experience in both physical and online teaching. She explains concepts in a straightforward manner. The online class is equipped with two cameras, one facing Rosie and one on the project, ensuring easy understanding. Recordings of the entire session will be available for replay after class.

Q: Can I cancel if I can't attend at the last minute?

A: Unfortunately, due to limited slots and materials preparation, there are no refunds. However, in case of emergencies preventing attendance, Rosie can arrange for participation in another workshop or provide videos for completion at home.

Q: Is the shipping cost for materials expensive?

A: Shipping costs are based on the Royal Mail price list: Free in the UK, £8.95 in Europe, £10 for Taiwan and the USA.

For any further questions, feel free to email


What Past Students Have to Say:

"Rosie's teaching is very approachable and easy to understand. I've been wanting to try embroidery, and this provided a fantastic introduction. The embroidery hoop and tools I purchased are also very practical, especially the scissors – they look amazing!"

"Even though the course was just for a day, it was incredibly rewarding. Perfectly designed teaching tools, beautiful and intricate projects combining various goldwork techniques – it motivated me to learn more. Rosie provides complete and high-quality tools and materials, making it easy for beginners to get started. She is friendly and attentive, providing assistance and encouragement throughout. She generously shares information about goldwork embroidery, including reference books, associations, websites, etc., making it easy for students to find the best resources for further learning. I initially became interested in goldwork embroidery for its integration with clothing, and I hope there will be similar courses in the future!"

"Thanks to the teacher for reminding us of many details during the teaching, introducing us to various techniques and ways of using them. Very interesting – looking forward to future courses!"

"I really like the teacher's teaching style, and I've gained a lot. Looking forward to next year's courses!"


Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Workshop for a Prosperous New Year!


📅 日期與時間:

A 班(實體課/中文):2024年2月4日,上午10:00至下午5:00 BST(包含一小時的午休,午餐自理)

B 班(實體課/英文):2024年2月11日,上午10:00至下午5:00 BST(包含一小時的午休,午餐自理)

C 班(線上課/中文):2024年1月31日 以及 2月7日,上午10:00至下午1:00 英國時間(總計6小時)(台灣時間18:00-21:00)

D 班(線上課/英文):2024年2月3日 以及 10日,上午10:00至下午1:00 英國時間(總計6小時)(台灣時間18:00-21:00)

📍 地點: A、B 班 -> CB1 2EA 英國劍橋(開課前一週會寄發詳細地址資訊)

C、D 班 -> Microsoft Teams

*所有材料費用皆已包含在課程費用中(材料包含印好圖的胚布、珍珠金鍊、玻璃鑽鍊、金色pearl purl、復古金色亮片、復古金米珠、Miyuki玻璃金色米珠、玻璃金色管珠、玻璃水鑽、Fil a Gant 手縫線)




* 所有作品會用到的材料都包含在費用中,上課之前會幫各位同學準備好寄到你們手中,運費另計(英國免運/ 台灣£10/ 美國£10/ 歐洲£8.95)

* 請注意,所有課程除了材料未能如期送達之外皆不提供退款服務,請確認好時間再報名,相關資訊請往下滑見Q&A



🧵 Rosie's Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop✨

今年農曆新年讓我們一起融入刺繡的藝術,參加這場由 Rosie 設計的工作坊。

此工作坊適合各路手作愛好者。無論您是已經有經驗的刺繡同好還是完全的新手,只要您熱愛藝術、不怕拿針,都歡迎您加入 Rosie的刺繡工作坊,讓我們一起度過一個放鬆療癒、充滿創意與文化融合的一天。

🌟 工作坊亮點:

  • 龍年刺繡設計:讓 Rosie 的設計成為您啟發的源泉,一起製作象徵力量和好運的中國龍刺繡設計。

  • 六種不同的珠繡技巧:在Rosie專業指導下,將帶領您掌握六種不同的珠繡技巧,讓您的刺繡生動呈現。

  • 只選用高品質工具材料:要做好刺繡,品質是一大關鍵。所有材料都是由 Rosie 親自挑選,以確保學生都能得到最好的體驗。

  • 文化體驗(僅限實體課程):課堂中會由Rosie準備茶點供大家品嚐,讓我們一起在悠閒的刺繡時光中慶祝農曆新年。

  • 認識志同道合的朋友:無論您講英語還是中文,都歡迎參與這場獨特的文化體驗,以及認識來自四面八方熱愛藝術的朋友。

🧘‍♀️ 這個工作坊目的在於提供一個輕鬆、慢活的活動,讓您激發蠢蠢欲動藝術細胞,以及抒發平日的壓力。

🎉 現在就預約您的位置:名額有限,請立即預約以確保您的位置,期待到時候與您相見!





4. 高品質不刮手櫸木繡框 x1

線上課程所需所需自備工具:12號手縫針(推薦John James)、不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀、極細不鏽鋼鑷子(optional)、繡架或是10cm木工桌鉗兩個(optional)




Q: 我完全沒有刺繡的經驗,可以參加嗎?

A: 當然可以!這款刺繡的設計適合所有初學者,Rosie會使用淺顯易懂的方式領導大家從認識金屬刺繡,到如何用最專業的方式拿針、打結,以及最後的收尾。

Q: 材料有包含嗎?

A: 有的,這個作品會用到的所有材料都會包含在課程費用內。實體課程什麼都不需要準備,但也歡迎自備慣用工具; 線上課程在開始上課前我會將每個人的材料親自準備好寄到你們手中。但是工具請自備,如果您不知道怎麼準備工具,Rosie也有幫你們精挑細選我私心覺得最好用的工具組,在加購選項選擇即可。或是想再多買一組台灣掛飾材料回去送禮也請記得選擇加購喔!

線上課程所需自備工具:12號手縫針(推薦John James)、不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀、極細不鏽鋼鑷子(optional)、繡架或是10cm木工桌鉗兩個(optional)

(加購的工具組內涵:1.極精細不鏽鋼鑷子 2.復古不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀 3.12號手縫繡針5支 4. 櫸木繡框)

Q: 線上課看不懂怎麼辦?

A: Rosie有豐富的實體/線上教學經驗,會以非常淺顯易懂的方式解說。另外線上課程全程都會有一個鏡頭面對Rosie,一個鏡頭面對作品,所以不需要擔心看不懂的問題。教學內容也會開放同學全程錄影(禁止公開發表),下課後以便同學隨時回放複習。

Q: 我不知道我有沒有辦法坐著刺繡這麼長的時間

A: 刺繡是一個可以讓自己放慢步調的休閒活動,如果您每天都很忙碌,希望可以空出時間和自己對話、放鬆身心,那這個工作坊再適合您不過了。很多學生在上完課都說:沒想到刺繡的時候時間過這麼快!一下沒注意時間就過去了。

Q: 可以帶非台灣朋友體驗課程嗎?

A: 當然沒問題!Rosie的學生來自世界各地,選擇班次時請選擇您的偏好語言。

Q: 如果報名了但臨時不能上課可以取消嗎?

A: 很抱歉,由於人數很少,報名後就會幫所有同學留名額以及準備材料,所以所有課程都是沒有退費服務的。但是假如真的臨時有緊急狀況不能來,只要寫信跟我說,我可以安排您參加其他場次的工作坊,或是提供影片讓您在家完成。

Q: 材料運費會不會很貴?

A: 所有運費都是依照Royal Mail價目表估算。


如果以上還有任何問題,歡迎寫信至 詢問




“課程雖然只有短短一天,但收穫滿滿,原因如下: 1. 完美設計的教具 - 作品精緻美麗,融合多種金屬刺繡技法,讓人有學習的動力。且提供完整且品質良好的工具與材料,方便初學者上手。 2. 老師親切細心,整個過程中一一巡視各個同學的情況,提供協助建議,還很不吝於鼓勵讚美,讓初學者不致於挫折,即使遇到困難也能順暢進行下去。 3. 老師慷慨提供金屬刺繡相關資訊,例如參考書籍、相關協會、網站...等,學生於課程結束後能輕鬆找到最佳資源繼續學習。 最初對金屬刺繡有興趣,是著眼於與服飾的整合應用,希望未來還有類似的課程!”




Thank you!


Dates 日期:
Add on tool kit 加購工具包(£15):
Add on Chinese dragon brooch kit 加購龍年胸針材料包(£30):
Add To Cart


Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Workshop for a Prosperous New Year!

📅 Date and Time:

Class A (In-person/ Mandarin): 4th Feb 2024, 10:00-17:00 BST (With an hour lunch break, lunch not included.)

Class B (In-person/English): 11th Feb 2024, 10:00-17:00 BST (With an hour lunch break, lunch not included.)

Class C (Online/ Mandarin): 31st Jan, 7th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

Class D (Online/ English): 3rd, 10th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

Class E (Online/ English): 17th, 24th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

📍 Location: Class A, B -> CB1 2EA Cambridge, UK

Class C, D, E -> Microsoft Teams

*All materials needed for the projects are included in the fee. Including printed calico, Pearl chainChainstone, gold pearl purl, gold flat sequins, dark gold seed bead, Miyuki gold glass seed bead, and glass bugle bead.

*Note: This workshop is to create a beaded dragon, not a brooch. If you wish to make a brooch as shown in the picture, make sure to add on an extra Chinese Dragon Brooch Kit.

Please note that there are no refunds for the courses, except if materials are not delivered on time. Please confirm your availability before registering. For more details, refer to the Q&A below.

[For online classes]

* The online course link will be sent one week before the start.

Materials will be prepared and shipped to you before the class. Shipping cost is extra (£10 for Taiwan/USA, £8.95 for Europe). Shipping is free in the UK.


🧵✨ Rosie's Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Fusion of Creativity and Cultural Celebration! 🐉🎊

Embrace the art of hand embroidery this Chinese New Year in an enchanting workshop designed for crafters of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned stitcher or a complete novice, join Rosie for a day filled with creativity, cultural immersion, and the joy of crafting your very own beaded Chinese dragon masterpiece.

🌟 Workshop Highlights:

  • Beaded Dragon Design: Let Rosie's stunning design be your inspiration as you embark on a creative journey to craft a symbol of strength and good fortune.

  • Six Different Bead Embroidery Techniques: Explore the intricate world of bead embroidery with expert guidance. Rosie will walk you through six techniques to bring your dragon to life.

  • High-quality Materials only: Rosie knows all too well about how important the quality of the material is when it comes to hand embroidery. All the materials are hand-picked by Rosie to ensure you a smooth and satisfying experience.

  • Cultural Experience(in-person workshops only): Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Chinese New Year. Enjoy complimentary Chinese tea, indulge in delightful biscuits, and connect with the warmth of cultural appreciation.

  • Inclusive Atmosphere: Whether you speak English or Chinese, all are welcome to partake in this unique fusion of creativity and cultural celebration.

🧘‍♀️ A Day of Relaxation and Connection: Picture yourself in a cozy setting, surrounded by like-minded individuals, sipping aromatic Chinese tea, and creating art that reflects the beauty of Chinese tradition. This workshop aims to offer a relaxing, slow-living day where you can unwind, connect with others, and celebrate the Chinese New Year in a unique and artistic way.

🎉 Reserve Your Spot: Join us for a day of creativity, cultural appreciation, and the joy of hand embroidery. Limited spots available, so secure your spot now and let the threads of tradition weave a memorable experience this Chinese New Year!

Additional Tool Set (available for purchase):

  1. Extra-fine stainless steel tweezers*1

  2. Vintage stainless steel embroidery scissors*1

  3. Size 12 hand-sewing needles*5

  4. Non-splintering beechwood embroidery hoop*1

Tools Needed for the Online Course:

  • Size 12 hand-sewing needle (John James recommended)

  • Stainless steel embroidery scissors

  • Extra-fine stainless steel tweezers (optional)

  • A 16cm wooden embroidery hoop or two 10cm woodworking clamps (optional)

Choose either an embroidery hoop for hands-free stitching (refer to the last image) or woodworking clamps for securing the hoop to a table (refer to the last image).—————————————————————————

Common Q&A:

Q: Can I join if I have no embroidery experience?

A: Absolutely! This design is perfect for beginners, and Rosie will guide everyone through the basics of goldwork embroidery in a simple and understandable way.

Q: Are materials included?

A: Yes, all materials needed for the project are included in the course fee. For the in-person workshops, you don’t need to bring anything with you; for the online workshops, Rosie will personally prepare and ship materials to each participant before the class. However, tools must be prepared by participants. If you're unsure about tools, Rosie has curated a toolset for purchase that she believes is the most useful.

Q: What if I don't understand the online class?

A: Rosie has extensive experience in both physical and online teaching. She explains concepts in a straightforward manner. The online class is equipped with two cameras, one facing Rosie and one on the project, ensuring easy understanding. Recordings of the entire session will be available for replay after class.

Q: Can I cancel if I can't attend at the last minute?

A: Unfortunately, due to limited slots and materials preparation, there are no refunds. However, in case of emergencies preventing attendance, Rosie can arrange for participation in another workshop or provide videos for completion at home.

Q: Is the shipping cost for materials expensive?

A: Shipping costs are based on the Royal Mail price list: Free in the UK, £8.95 in Europe, £10 for Taiwan and the USA.

For any further questions, feel free to email


What Past Students Have to Say:

"Rosie's teaching is very approachable and easy to understand. I've been wanting to try embroidery, and this provided a fantastic introduction. The embroidery hoop and tools I purchased are also very practical, especially the scissors – they look amazing!"

"Even though the course was just for a day, it was incredibly rewarding. Perfectly designed teaching tools, beautiful and intricate projects combining various goldwork techniques – it motivated me to learn more. Rosie provides complete and high-quality tools and materials, making it easy for beginners to get started. She is friendly and attentive, providing assistance and encouragement throughout. She generously shares information about goldwork embroidery, including reference books, associations, websites, etc., making it easy for students to find the best resources for further learning. I initially became interested in goldwork embroidery for its integration with clothing, and I hope there will be similar courses in the future!"

"Thanks to the teacher for reminding us of many details during the teaching, introducing us to various techniques and ways of using them. Very interesting – looking forward to future courses!"

"I really like the teacher's teaching style, and I've gained a lot. Looking forward to next year's courses!"


Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Workshop for a Prosperous New Year!


📅 日期與時間:

A 班(實體課/中文):2024年2月4日,上午10:00至下午5:00 BST(包含一小時的午休,午餐自理)

B 班(實體課/英文):2024年2月11日,上午10:00至下午5:00 BST(包含一小時的午休,午餐自理)

C 班(線上課/中文):2024年1月31日 以及 2月7日,上午10:00至下午1:00 英國時間(總計6小時)(台灣時間18:00-21:00)

D 班(線上課/英文):2024年2月3日 以及 10日,上午10:00至下午1:00 英國時間(總計6小時)(台灣時間18:00-21:00)

📍 地點: A、B 班 -> CB1 2EA 英國劍橋(開課前一週會寄發詳細地址資訊)

C、D 班 -> Microsoft Teams

*所有材料費用皆已包含在課程費用中(材料包含印好圖的胚布、珍珠金鍊、玻璃鑽鍊、金色pearl purl、復古金色亮片、復古金米珠、Miyuki玻璃金色米珠、玻璃金色管珠、玻璃水鑽、Fil a Gant 手縫線)




* 所有作品會用到的材料都包含在費用中,上課之前會幫各位同學準備好寄到你們手中,運費另計(英國免運/ 台灣£10/ 美國£10/ 歐洲£8.95)

* 請注意,所有課程除了材料未能如期送達之外皆不提供退款服務,請確認好時間再報名,相關資訊請往下滑見Q&A



🧵 Rosie's Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop✨

今年農曆新年讓我們一起融入刺繡的藝術,參加這場由 Rosie 設計的工作坊。

此工作坊適合各路手作愛好者。無論您是已經有經驗的刺繡同好還是完全的新手,只要您熱愛藝術、不怕拿針,都歡迎您加入 Rosie的刺繡工作坊,讓我們一起度過一個放鬆療癒、充滿創意與文化融合的一天。

🌟 工作坊亮點:

  • 龍年刺繡設計:讓 Rosie 的設計成為您啟發的源泉,一起製作象徵力量和好運的中國龍刺繡設計。

  • 六種不同的珠繡技巧:在Rosie專業指導下,將帶領您掌握六種不同的珠繡技巧,讓您的刺繡生動呈現。

  • 只選用高品質工具材料:要做好刺繡,品質是一大關鍵。所有材料都是由 Rosie 親自挑選,以確保學生都能得到最好的體驗。

  • 文化體驗(僅限實體課程):課堂中會由Rosie準備茶點供大家品嚐,讓我們一起在悠閒的刺繡時光中慶祝農曆新年。

  • 認識志同道合的朋友:無論您講英語還是中文,都歡迎參與這場獨特的文化體驗,以及認識來自四面八方熱愛藝術的朋友。

🧘‍♀️ 這個工作坊目的在於提供一個輕鬆、慢活的活動,讓您激發蠢蠢欲動藝術細胞,以及抒發平日的壓力。

🎉 現在就預約您的位置:名額有限,請立即預約以確保您的位置,期待到時候與您相見!





4. 高品質不刮手櫸木繡框 x1

線上課程所需所需自備工具:12號手縫針(推薦John James)、不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀、極細不鏽鋼鑷子(optional)、繡架或是10cm木工桌鉗兩個(optional)




Q: 我完全沒有刺繡的經驗,可以參加嗎?

A: 當然可以!這款刺繡的設計適合所有初學者,Rosie會使用淺顯易懂的方式領導大家從認識金屬刺繡,到如何用最專業的方式拿針、打結,以及最後的收尾。

Q: 材料有包含嗎?

A: 有的,這個作品會用到的所有材料都會包含在課程費用內。實體課程什麼都不需要準備,但也歡迎自備慣用工具; 線上課程在開始上課前我會將每個人的材料親自準備好寄到你們手中。但是工具請自備,如果您不知道怎麼準備工具,Rosie也有幫你們精挑細選我私心覺得最好用的工具組,在加購選項選擇即可。或是想再多買一組台灣掛飾材料回去送禮也請記得選擇加購喔!

線上課程所需自備工具:12號手縫針(推薦John James)、不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀、極細不鏽鋼鑷子(optional)、繡架或是10cm木工桌鉗兩個(optional)

(加購的工具組內涵:1.極精細不鏽鋼鑷子 2.復古不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀 3.12號手縫繡針5支 4. 櫸木繡框)

Q: 線上課看不懂怎麼辦?

A: Rosie有豐富的實體/線上教學經驗,會以非常淺顯易懂的方式解說。另外線上課程全程都會有一個鏡頭面對Rosie,一個鏡頭面對作品,所以不需要擔心看不懂的問題。教學內容也會開放同學全程錄影(禁止公開發表),下課後以便同學隨時回放複習。

Q: 我不知道我有沒有辦法坐著刺繡這麼長的時間

A: 刺繡是一個可以讓自己放慢步調的休閒活動,如果您每天都很忙碌,希望可以空出時間和自己對話、放鬆身心,那這個工作坊再適合您不過了。很多學生在上完課都說:沒想到刺繡的時候時間過這麼快!一下沒注意時間就過去了。

Q: 可以帶非台灣朋友體驗課程嗎?

A: 當然沒問題!Rosie的學生來自世界各地,選擇班次時請選擇您的偏好語言。

Q: 如果報名了但臨時不能上課可以取消嗎?

A: 很抱歉,由於人數很少,報名後就會幫所有同學留名額以及準備材料,所以所有課程都是沒有退費服務的。但是假如真的臨時有緊急狀況不能來,只要寫信跟我說,我可以安排您參加其他場次的工作坊,或是提供影片讓您在家完成。

Q: 材料運費會不會很貴?

A: 所有運費都是依照Royal Mail價目表估算。


如果以上還有任何問題,歡迎寫信至 詢問




“課程雖然只有短短一天,但收穫滿滿,原因如下: 1. 完美設計的教具 - 作品精緻美麗,融合多種金屬刺繡技法,讓人有學習的動力。且提供完整且品質良好的工具與材料,方便初學者上手。 2. 老師親切細心,整個過程中一一巡視各個同學的情況,提供協助建議,還很不吝於鼓勵讚美,讓初學者不致於挫折,即使遇到困難也能順暢進行下去。 3. 老師慷慨提供金屬刺繡相關資訊,例如參考書籍、相關協會、網站...等,學生於課程結束後能輕鬆找到最佳資源繼續學習。 最初對金屬刺繡有興趣,是著眼於與服飾的整合應用,希望未來還有類似的課程!”




Thank you!



Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Workshop for a Prosperous New Year!

📅 Date and Time:

Class A (In-person/ Mandarin): 4th Feb 2024, 10:00-17:00 BST (With an hour lunch break, lunch not included.)

Class B (In-person/English): 11th Feb 2024, 10:00-17:00 BST (With an hour lunch break, lunch not included.)

Class C (Online/ Mandarin): 31st Jan, 7th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

Class D (Online/ English): 3rd, 10th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

Class E (Online/ English): 17th, 24th Feb 2024 10:00-13:00 BST (6 hours in total)

📍 Location: Class A, B -> CB1 2EA Cambridge, UK

Class C, D, E -> Microsoft Teams

*All materials needed for the projects are included in the fee. Including printed calico, Pearl chainChainstone, gold pearl purl, gold flat sequins, dark gold seed bead, Miyuki gold glass seed bead, and glass bugle bead.

*Note: This workshop is to create a beaded dragon, not a brooch. If you wish to make a brooch as shown in the picture, make sure to add on an extra Chinese Dragon Brooch Kit.

Please note that there are no refunds for the courses, except if materials are not delivered on time. Please confirm your availability before registering. For more details, refer to the Q&A below.

[For online classes]

* The online course link will be sent one week before the start.

Materials will be prepared and shipped to you before the class. Shipping cost is extra (£10 for Taiwan/USA, £8.95 for Europe). Shipping is free in the UK.


🧵✨ Rosie's Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Fusion of Creativity and Cultural Celebration! 🐉🎊

Embrace the art of hand embroidery this Chinese New Year in an enchanting workshop designed for crafters of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned stitcher or a complete novice, join Rosie for a day filled with creativity, cultural immersion, and the joy of crafting your very own beaded Chinese dragon masterpiece.

🌟 Workshop Highlights:

  • Beaded Dragon Design: Let Rosie's stunning design be your inspiration as you embark on a creative journey to craft a symbol of strength and good fortune.

  • Six Different Bead Embroidery Techniques: Explore the intricate world of bead embroidery with expert guidance. Rosie will walk you through six techniques to bring your dragon to life.

  • High-quality Materials only: Rosie knows all too well about how important the quality of the material is when it comes to hand embroidery. All the materials are hand-picked by Rosie to ensure you a smooth and satisfying experience.

  • Cultural Experience(in-person workshops only): Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of Chinese New Year. Enjoy complimentary Chinese tea, indulge in delightful biscuits, and connect with the warmth of cultural appreciation.

  • Inclusive Atmosphere: Whether you speak English or Chinese, all are welcome to partake in this unique fusion of creativity and cultural celebration.

🧘‍♀️ A Day of Relaxation and Connection: Picture yourself in a cozy setting, surrounded by like-minded individuals, sipping aromatic Chinese tea, and creating art that reflects the beauty of Chinese tradition. This workshop aims to offer a relaxing, slow-living day where you can unwind, connect with others, and celebrate the Chinese New Year in a unique and artistic way.

🎉 Reserve Your Spot: Join us for a day of creativity, cultural appreciation, and the joy of hand embroidery. Limited spots available, so secure your spot now and let the threads of tradition weave a memorable experience this Chinese New Year!

Additional Tool Set (available for purchase):

  1. Extra-fine stainless steel tweezers*1

  2. Vintage stainless steel embroidery scissors*1

  3. Size 12 hand-sewing needles*5

  4. Non-splintering beechwood embroidery hoop*1

Tools Needed for the Online Course:

  • Size 12 hand-sewing needle (John James recommended)

  • Stainless steel embroidery scissors

  • Extra-fine stainless steel tweezers (optional)

  • A 16cm wooden embroidery hoop or two 10cm woodworking clamps (optional)

Choose either an embroidery hoop for hands-free stitching (refer to the last image) or woodworking clamps for securing the hoop to a table (refer to the last image).—————————————————————————

Common Q&A:

Q: Can I join if I have no embroidery experience?

A: Absolutely! This design is perfect for beginners, and Rosie will guide everyone through the basics of goldwork embroidery in a simple and understandable way.

Q: Are materials included?

A: Yes, all materials needed for the project are included in the course fee. For the in-person workshops, you don’t need to bring anything with you; for the online workshops, Rosie will personally prepare and ship materials to each participant before the class. However, tools must be prepared by participants. If you're unsure about tools, Rosie has curated a toolset for purchase that she believes is the most useful.

Q: What if I don't understand the online class?

A: Rosie has extensive experience in both physical and online teaching. She explains concepts in a straightforward manner. The online class is equipped with two cameras, one facing Rosie and one on the project, ensuring easy understanding. Recordings of the entire session will be available for replay after class.

Q: Can I cancel if I can't attend at the last minute?

A: Unfortunately, due to limited slots and materials preparation, there are no refunds. However, in case of emergencies preventing attendance, Rosie can arrange for participation in another workshop or provide videos for completion at home.

Q: Is the shipping cost for materials expensive?

A: Shipping costs are based on the Royal Mail price list: Free in the UK, £8.95 in Europe, £10 for Taiwan and the USA.

For any further questions, feel free to email


What Past Students Have to Say:

"Rosie's teaching is very approachable and easy to understand. I've been wanting to try embroidery, and this provided a fantastic introduction. The embroidery hoop and tools I purchased are also very practical, especially the scissors – they look amazing!"

"Even though the course was just for a day, it was incredibly rewarding. Perfectly designed teaching tools, beautiful and intricate projects combining various goldwork techniques – it motivated me to learn more. Rosie provides complete and high-quality tools and materials, making it easy for beginners to get started. She is friendly and attentive, providing assistance and encouragement throughout. She generously shares information about goldwork embroidery, including reference books, associations, websites, etc., making it easy for students to find the best resources for further learning. I initially became interested in goldwork embroidery for its integration with clothing, and I hope there will be similar courses in the future!"

"Thanks to the teacher for reminding us of many details during the teaching, introducing us to various techniques and ways of using them. Very interesting – looking forward to future courses!"

"I really like the teacher's teaching style, and I've gained a lot. Looking forward to next year's courses!"


Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop: A Workshop for a Prosperous New Year!


📅 日期與時間:

A 班(實體課/中文):2024年2月4日,上午10:00至下午5:00 BST(包含一小時的午休,午餐自理)

B 班(實體課/英文):2024年2月11日,上午10:00至下午5:00 BST(包含一小時的午休,午餐自理)

C 班(線上課/中文):2024年1月31日 以及 2月7日,上午10:00至下午1:00 英國時間(總計6小時)(台灣時間18:00-21:00)

D 班(線上課/英文):2024年2月3日 以及 10日,上午10:00至下午1:00 英國時間(總計6小時)(台灣時間18:00-21:00)

📍 地點: A、B 班 -> CB1 2EA 英國劍橋(開課前一週會寄發詳細地址資訊)

C、D 班 -> Microsoft Teams

*所有材料費用皆已包含在課程費用中(材料包含印好圖的胚布、珍珠金鍊、玻璃鑽鍊、金色pearl purl、復古金色亮片、復古金米珠、Miyuki玻璃金色米珠、玻璃金色管珠、玻璃水鑽、Fil a Gant 手縫線)




* 所有作品會用到的材料都包含在費用中,上課之前會幫各位同學準備好寄到你們手中,運費另計(英國免運/ 台灣£10/ 美國£10/ 歐洲£8.95)

* 請注意,所有課程除了材料未能如期送達之外皆不提供退款服務,請確認好時間再報名,相關資訊請往下滑見Q&A



🧵 Rosie's Chinese Dragon Bead Embroidery Workshop✨

今年農曆新年讓我們一起融入刺繡的藝術,參加這場由 Rosie 設計的工作坊。

此工作坊適合各路手作愛好者。無論您是已經有經驗的刺繡同好還是完全的新手,只要您熱愛藝術、不怕拿針,都歡迎您加入 Rosie的刺繡工作坊,讓我們一起度過一個放鬆療癒、充滿創意與文化融合的一天。

🌟 工作坊亮點:

  • 龍年刺繡設計:讓 Rosie 的設計成為您啟發的源泉,一起製作象徵力量和好運的中國龍刺繡設計。

  • 六種不同的珠繡技巧:在Rosie專業指導下,將帶領您掌握六種不同的珠繡技巧,讓您的刺繡生動呈現。

  • 只選用高品質工具材料:要做好刺繡,品質是一大關鍵。所有材料都是由 Rosie 親自挑選,以確保學生都能得到最好的體驗。

  • 文化體驗(僅限實體課程):課堂中會由Rosie準備茶點供大家品嚐,讓我們一起在悠閒的刺繡時光中慶祝農曆新年。

  • 認識志同道合的朋友:無論您講英語還是中文,都歡迎參與這場獨特的文化體驗,以及認識來自四面八方熱愛藝術的朋友。

🧘‍♀️ 這個工作坊目的在於提供一個輕鬆、慢活的活動,讓您激發蠢蠢欲動藝術細胞,以及抒發平日的壓力。

🎉 現在就預約您的位置:名額有限,請立即預約以確保您的位置,期待到時候與您相見!





4. 高品質不刮手櫸木繡框 x1

線上課程所需所需自備工具:12號手縫針(推薦John James)、不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀、極細不鏽鋼鑷子(optional)、繡架或是10cm木工桌鉗兩個(optional)




Q: 我完全沒有刺繡的經驗,可以參加嗎?

A: 當然可以!這款刺繡的設計適合所有初學者,Rosie會使用淺顯易懂的方式領導大家從認識金屬刺繡,到如何用最專業的方式拿針、打結,以及最後的收尾。

Q: 材料有包含嗎?

A: 有的,這個作品會用到的所有材料都會包含在課程費用內。實體課程什麼都不需要準備,但也歡迎自備慣用工具; 線上課程在開始上課前我會將每個人的材料親自準備好寄到你們手中。但是工具請自備,如果您不知道怎麼準備工具,Rosie也有幫你們精挑細選我私心覺得最好用的工具組,在加購選項選擇即可。或是想再多買一組台灣掛飾材料回去送禮也請記得選擇加購喔!

線上課程所需自備工具:12號手縫針(推薦John James)、不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀、極細不鏽鋼鑷子(optional)、繡架或是10cm木工桌鉗兩個(optional)

(加購的工具組內涵:1.極精細不鏽鋼鑷子 2.復古不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀 3.12號手縫繡針5支 4. 櫸木繡框)

Q: 線上課看不懂怎麼辦?

A: Rosie有豐富的實體/線上教學經驗,會以非常淺顯易懂的方式解說。另外線上課程全程都會有一個鏡頭面對Rosie,一個鏡頭面對作品,所以不需要擔心看不懂的問題。教學內容也會開放同學全程錄影(禁止公開發表),下課後以便同學隨時回放複習。

Q: 我不知道我有沒有辦法坐著刺繡這麼長的時間

A: 刺繡是一個可以讓自己放慢步調的休閒活動,如果您每天都很忙碌,希望可以空出時間和自己對話、放鬆身心,那這個工作坊再適合您不過了。很多學生在上完課都說:沒想到刺繡的時候時間過這麼快!一下沒注意時間就過去了。

Q: 可以帶非台灣朋友體驗課程嗎?

A: 當然沒問題!Rosie的學生來自世界各地,選擇班次時請選擇您的偏好語言。

Q: 如果報名了但臨時不能上課可以取消嗎?

A: 很抱歉,由於人數很少,報名後就會幫所有同學留名額以及準備材料,所以所有課程都是沒有退費服務的。但是假如真的臨時有緊急狀況不能來,只要寫信跟我說,我可以安排您參加其他場次的工作坊,或是提供影片讓您在家完成。

Q: 材料運費會不會很貴?

A: 所有運費都是依照Royal Mail價目表估算。


如果以上還有任何問題,歡迎寫信至 詢問




“課程雖然只有短短一天,但收穫滿滿,原因如下: 1. 完美設計的教具 - 作品精緻美麗,融合多種金屬刺繡技法,讓人有學習的動力。且提供完整且品質良好的工具與材料,方便初學者上手。 2. 老師親切細心,整個過程中一一巡視各個同學的情況,提供協助建議,還很不吝於鼓勵讚美,讓初學者不致於挫折,即使遇到困難也能順暢進行下去。 3. 老師慷慨提供金屬刺繡相關資訊,例如參考書籍、相關協會、網站...等,學生於課程結束後能輕鬆找到最佳資源繼續學習。 最初對金屬刺繡有興趣,是著眼於與服飾的整合應用,希望未來還有類似的課程!”




Thank you!


Remembrance Poppy Brooch - 10% profits donated to the Poppy Appeal
Crystal Christmas Tree Ornament 藍寶石聖誕樹吊飾
from £40.00
🎄Limited Edition🎄2024 台灣聖誕吊飾 Christmas Taiwan Goldwork Embroidery
from £59.99
🇹🇼Special edition🇹🇼 台灣國慶胸針禮盒組
from £49.99
Customised Goldwork Letter Ornament 金屬刺繡字母訂製聖誕吊飾
from £55.00