法繡基礎班 Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - 線上課程

from £50.00

法繡基礎班 Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - 線上課程


📅 日期:2024年4月5日

⏰ 時間:英國夏令時間上午10:00-13:00/ 台灣時間18:00-21:00(總計3小時)

📍 地點:Microsoft Teams(工作坊開始前一周將發送連結。)

📘 語言:中文


*包含材料 -

附有3種不同尺寸的 Tambour鉤針 、蠶絲歐根紗、Fil a Gant 手縫線、各式玻璃珠、亮片、描圖版型、線上講義、教材。

*您需要自行準備 -

1. 一個法繡繡框(slate frame)或一般繡框和木工桌鉗(10cm),參見最後一張照片。建議繡框尺寸:16.5厘米。

2. 一支鉛筆用於描繪圖案。

3. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀。

Tambour Heart Patch 材料包可加購,內容包括 -

1. 櫸木繡框(16.5cm)

2. 法式鉤針(Tambour hook)

3. 法繡鉤針三種不同尺寸(尺寸70/100/120)

4. 蠶絲歐根紗

5. Fil-a-Gant 手縫線

6. 紅色水晶珠

7. Preciosa 玻璃珠

8. Miyuki 金色玻璃珠

9. Preciosa 黑色玻璃珠

10. 描圖版型

11. 詳細線上指導手冊

*刺繡新手工具包可加購,內容包括 -

1. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀*1

2. 不銹鋼極細鑷子*1

3. 12號手縫針*5

4. 櫸木繡框(16.5厘米)*1





* 所有作品會用到的材料都包含在費用中,上課之前會幫各位同學準備好寄到你們手中,運費另計(英國免運/ 台灣£10/ 美國£10/ 歐洲£8.95)

* 請注意,所有課程除了材料未能如期送達之外皆不提供退款服務,請確認好時間再報名,相關資訊請往下滑見Q&A


法繡基礎班 Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - 線上課程

  • 這個工作坊,Rosie將帶您了解Tambour法式刺繡的基礎知識。

    我們將討論Luneville和Aari(從底部繡珠/從頂部繡珠)之間的區別。在這個工作坊中,我們將會以於從頂部繡珠為主,然後會帶領同學一起使用Tambour hook 做基礎練習。

    🌟 工作坊亮點:





🎉 名額有限,請有興趣的同學儘早報名!



Q: 我完全沒有刺繡的經驗,可以參加嗎?

A: 當然可以!這次的法式刺繡基礎班適合所有初學者,Rosie會使用淺顯易懂的方式領導大家從認識法式刺繡以及由簡入繁的實作練習。

Q: 材料有包含嗎?

A: 有的,這個作品會用到的所有材料都會包含在課程費用內。線上課程在開始上課前我會將每個人的材料親自準備好寄到你們手中。但是工具請自備,如果您不知道怎麼準備工具,Rosie也有幫你們精挑細選我私心覺得最好用的工具組,在加購選項選擇即可。或是想再加購一組愛心珠繡材料包作課後練習也記得點選加購喔!


1. 一個法繡繡框(slate frame)或一般繡框和木工桌鉗(10cm),參見最後一張照片。建議繡框尺寸:16.5厘米。

2. 一支鉛筆用於描繪圖案。

3. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀。

加購的工具組內涵:1.極精細不鏽鋼鑷子 2.不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀 3.12號手縫繡針5支 4. 16.5cm 櫸木繡框

Q: 線上課看不懂怎麼辦?

A: Rosie有豐富的實體/線上教學經驗,會以非常淺顯易懂的方式解說。另外線上課程全程都會有一個鏡頭面對Rosie,一個鏡頭面對作品,所以不需要擔心看不懂的問題。教學內容也會開放同學全程錄影(禁止公開發表),下課後以便同學隨時回放複習。

Q: 我不知道我有沒有辦法坐著刺繡這麼長的時間

A: 刺繡是一個可以讓自己放慢步調的休閒活動,如果您每天都很忙碌,希望可以空出時間和自己對話、放鬆身心,那這個工作坊再適合您不過了。很多學生在上完課都說:沒想到刺繡的時候時間過這麼快!一下沒注意時間就過去了。

Q: 可以帶非台灣朋友體驗課程嗎?

A: 當然沒問題!Rosie的學生來自世界各地,選擇班次時請選擇您的偏好語言。

Q: 如果報名了但臨時不能上課可以取消嗎?

A: 很抱歉,由於人數很少,報名後就會幫所有同學留名額以及準備材料,所以所有課程都是沒有退費服務的。但是假如真的臨時有緊急狀況不能來,只要寫信跟我說,我可以安排您參加其他場次的工作坊,或是提供影片讓您在家完成。

Q: 材料運費會不會很貴?

A: 所有運費都是依照Royal Mail價目表估算。


如果以上還有任何問題,歡迎寫信至 rosie@rosieembroidery.com 詢問




“課程雖然只有短短一天,但收穫滿滿,原因如下: 1. 完美設計的教具 - 作品精緻美麗,融合多種金屬刺繡技法,讓人有學習的動力。且提供完整且品質良好的工具與材料,方便初學者上手。 2. 老師親切細心,整個過程中一一巡視各個同學的情況,提供協助建議,還很不吝於鼓勵讚美,讓初學者不致於挫折,即使遇到困難也能順暢進行下去。 3. 老師慷慨提供金屬刺繡相關資訊,例如參考書籍、相關協會、網站...等,學生於課程結束後能輕鬆找到最佳資源繼續學習。 最初對金屬刺繡有興趣,是著眼於與服飾的整合應用,希望未來還有類似的課程!”




Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - Online workshop


📅 Date : 5th April 2024

⏰ Time: 10:00-13:00 BST (3 hours in total)

📍 Location: Microsoft Teams (Link will be sent to you one week before the workshop starts.)

📘Language: Mandarin

More information for English workshops: https://rosieembroidery.com/collections/workshops/products/introduction-to-tambour-embroidery-online-workshop

*Materials included -

Tambour hook with 3-size-needles, Silk organza, Fil a Gant thread, flat sequins, seed beads, bugle beads and a tracing pattern.

*Please note that there are no refunds for the courses, except if materials are not delivered on time. Please confirm your availability before registering. For more details, refer to the Q&A below.

*You will need to prepare -

  1. A seat frame or a slate frame. (Or even just an embroidery hoop with 2 woodwork clamps(10cm), refers to the last photo) Suggested hoop size: 16.5 cm.

  2. A pencil for tracing the pattern.

  3. Stainless steel embroidery scissors.

*Tambour Heart Patch Starter Kits are available to add on, kit includes -

1. Step-by-step digital instructions  

2. Embroidery hoop

  3. Tambour hook handle

  4. Tambour needle x 3 (Sizes 70/100/120)

  5. Silk organza

  6. Fil-a-Gant thread - red

 7. Red crystals

  8. Preciosa seed beads

  9. Miyuki gold glass seed beads

  10. Preciosa black seed beads

  11. Printed pattern

*Embroidery Starter Tool Kits are available to add on, kit includes -

1. Stainless steel embroidery scissors*1

2. Stainless steel very fine tweezers*1

3. Size12 needles*5

4. Beechwood embroidery hoop(16.5cm)*1


[About online classes]

*The link will be sent to you one week before the workshop starts.

Materials will be prepared and shipped to you before the class.

Shipping is free in the UK.


Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - Online workshop

In this workshop, I’ll talk you through the basics of Tambour embroidery. We’ll talk about the difference between Luneville and Aari (beading from the bottom/ beading from the top.) We'll be focusing on beading from the top in this workshop, and then we’ll do some practicing with the Tambour hook.

🌟 Workshop Highlights:

  • Mastering Tambour Embroidery Basics: Starting Tambour Embroidery may seem daunting, but fear not! Rosie will guide you through step by step, ensuring a smooth transition into this captivating technique. Once you grasp the basics, you'll find that Tambour embroidery opens up a world of possibilities, making beading more efficient and ultimately more rewarding.

  • Seven Different Tambour Embroidery Techniques: Under Rosie's expert guidance, you'll explore seven different techniques, each adding depth and intricacy to your creations. From delicate chain stitches to beadwork, you'll discover new avenues for creative expression and elevate your embroidery skills to new heights.

  • Unlocking the Secrets of Tambour Embroidery: Let Rosie, with her wealth of teaching experience, be your trusted guide on this enchanting journey. With her expert instruction and patient guidance, she'll ensure that Tambour embroidery becomes not just accessible, but also deeply enjoyable.

  • Crafting with Confidence: By the end of the workshop, you'll be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to continue your Tambour embroidery journey with ease. Whether you're embellishing garments, creating intricate designs, or adding a touch of elegance to accessories, Tambour embroidery will become a cherished tool in your artistic arsenal.

  • A Community of Creativity: Join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about the art of embroidery. Share stories, exchange tips, and forge lasting connections as you immerse yourself in a supportive and inspiring environment.

🎉 Reserve Your Spot: Join us for a day of creativity and the joy of hand embroidery. Limited spots available, so secure your spot now and get creative with Rosie!


Common Q&A:

Q: Can I join if I have no embroidery experience?

A: Absolutely! This workshop is perfect for beginners, and Rosie will guide everyone through the basics of Tambour embroidery in a simple and understandable way.

Q: Are materials included?

A: Yes, all materials needed for the project are included in the course fee. For the online workshops, Rosie will personally prepare and ship materials to each participant before the class. However, tools must be prepared by participants. If you're unsure about tools, write an email to rosie@rosieembrdoiery.com

Q: What if I don't understand the online class?

A: Rosie has extensive experience in both physical and online teaching. She explains concepts in a straightforward manner. The online class is equipped with two cameras, one facing Rosie and one on the project, ensuring easy understanding. Recordings of the entire session will be available for replay after class.

Q: Can I cancel if I can't attend at the last minute?

A: Unfortunately, due to limited slots and materials preparation, there are no refunds. However, in case of emergencies preventing attendance, Rosie can arrange for participation in another workshop or provide videos for completion at home.

Q: Is the shipping cost for materials expensive?

A: Shipping costs are based on the Royal Mail price list: Free in the UK, £8.95 in Europe, £10 for Taiwan and the USA.

For any further questions, feel free to email rosie@rosieembroidery.com.


What Past Students Have to Say:

"Rosie's teachingis very approachable and easy to understand. I've been wanting to try embroidery, and this provided a fantastic introduction.The embroidery hoop and tools I purchased are also very practical, especially the scissors – they look amazing!"

"Even though the course was just for a day,it was incredibly rewarding. Perfectly designed teaching tools, beautiful and intricate projects combining various goldwork techniques – it motivated me to learn more.Rosie provides complete and high-quality tools and materials, making it easy for beginners to get started. She is friendly and attentive, providing assistance and encouragement throughout. She generously shares information about goldwork embroidery, including reference books, associations, websites, etc., making it easy for students to find the best resources for further learning. I initially became interested in goldwork embroidery for its integration with clothing, and I hope there will be similar courses in the future!"

"Thanks to the teacher for reminding us of many details during the teaching, introducing us to various techniques and ways of using them.Very interesting – looking forward to future courses!"

"I really like the teacher's teaching style, and I've gained a lot. Looking forward to next year's courses!"

Thank you!

© Rosie Embroidery 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Add on Tambour Heart Patch Starter kit(£25, was £29.99):
Add on Embroidery Starter Tool Kit:
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法繡基礎班 Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - 線上課程


📅 日期:2024年4月5日

⏰ 時間:英國夏令時間上午10:00-13:00/ 台灣時間18:00-21:00(總計3小時)

📍 地點:Microsoft Teams(工作坊開始前一周將發送連結。)

📘 語言:中文


*包含材料 -

附有3種不同尺寸的 Tambour鉤針 、蠶絲歐根紗、Fil a Gant 手縫線、各式玻璃珠、亮片、描圖版型、線上講義、教材。

*您需要自行準備 -

1. 一個法繡繡框(slate frame)或一般繡框和木工桌鉗(10cm),參見最後一張照片。建議繡框尺寸:16.5厘米。

2. 一支鉛筆用於描繪圖案。

3. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀。

Tambour Heart Patch 材料包可加購,內容包括 -

1. 櫸木繡框(16.5cm)

2. 法式鉤針(Tambour hook)

3. 法繡鉤針三種不同尺寸(尺寸70/100/120)

4. 蠶絲歐根紗

5. Fil-a-Gant 手縫線

6. 紅色水晶珠

7. Preciosa 玻璃珠

8. Miyuki 金色玻璃珠

9. Preciosa 黑色玻璃珠

10. 描圖版型

11. 詳細線上指導手冊

*刺繡新手工具包可加購,內容包括 -

1. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀*1

2. 不銹鋼極細鑷子*1

3. 12號手縫針*5

4. 櫸木繡框(16.5厘米)*1





* 所有作品會用到的材料都包含在費用中,上課之前會幫各位同學準備好寄到你們手中,運費另計(英國免運/ 台灣£10/ 美國£10/ 歐洲£8.95)

* 請注意,所有課程除了材料未能如期送達之外皆不提供退款服務,請確認好時間再報名,相關資訊請往下滑見Q&A


法繡基礎班 Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - 線上課程

  • 這個工作坊,Rosie將帶您了解Tambour法式刺繡的基礎知識。

    我們將討論Luneville和Aari(從底部繡珠/從頂部繡珠)之間的區別。在這個工作坊中,我們將會以於從頂部繡珠為主,然後會帶領同學一起使用Tambour hook 做基礎練習。

    🌟 工作坊亮點:





🎉 名額有限,請有興趣的同學儘早報名!



Q: 我完全沒有刺繡的經驗,可以參加嗎?

A: 當然可以!這次的法式刺繡基礎班適合所有初學者,Rosie會使用淺顯易懂的方式領導大家從認識法式刺繡以及由簡入繁的實作練習。

Q: 材料有包含嗎?

A: 有的,這個作品會用到的所有材料都會包含在課程費用內。線上課程在開始上課前我會將每個人的材料親自準備好寄到你們手中。但是工具請自備,如果您不知道怎麼準備工具,Rosie也有幫你們精挑細選我私心覺得最好用的工具組,在加購選項選擇即可。或是想再加購一組愛心珠繡材料包作課後練習也記得點選加購喔!


1. 一個法繡繡框(slate frame)或一般繡框和木工桌鉗(10cm),參見最後一張照片。建議繡框尺寸:16.5厘米。

2. 一支鉛筆用於描繪圖案。

3. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀。

加購的工具組內涵:1.極精細不鏽鋼鑷子 2.不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀 3.12號手縫繡針5支 4. 16.5cm 櫸木繡框

Q: 線上課看不懂怎麼辦?

A: Rosie有豐富的實體/線上教學經驗,會以非常淺顯易懂的方式解說。另外線上課程全程都會有一個鏡頭面對Rosie,一個鏡頭面對作品,所以不需要擔心看不懂的問題。教學內容也會開放同學全程錄影(禁止公開發表),下課後以便同學隨時回放複習。

Q: 我不知道我有沒有辦法坐著刺繡這麼長的時間

A: 刺繡是一個可以讓自己放慢步調的休閒活動,如果您每天都很忙碌,希望可以空出時間和自己對話、放鬆身心,那這個工作坊再適合您不過了。很多學生在上完課都說:沒想到刺繡的時候時間過這麼快!一下沒注意時間就過去了。

Q: 可以帶非台灣朋友體驗課程嗎?

A: 當然沒問題!Rosie的學生來自世界各地,選擇班次時請選擇您的偏好語言。

Q: 如果報名了但臨時不能上課可以取消嗎?

A: 很抱歉,由於人數很少,報名後就會幫所有同學留名額以及準備材料,所以所有課程都是沒有退費服務的。但是假如真的臨時有緊急狀況不能來,只要寫信跟我說,我可以安排您參加其他場次的工作坊,或是提供影片讓您在家完成。

Q: 材料運費會不會很貴?

A: 所有運費都是依照Royal Mail價目表估算。


如果以上還有任何問題,歡迎寫信至 rosie@rosieembroidery.com 詢問




“課程雖然只有短短一天,但收穫滿滿,原因如下: 1. 完美設計的教具 - 作品精緻美麗,融合多種金屬刺繡技法,讓人有學習的動力。且提供完整且品質良好的工具與材料,方便初學者上手。 2. 老師親切細心,整個過程中一一巡視各個同學的情況,提供協助建議,還很不吝於鼓勵讚美,讓初學者不致於挫折,即使遇到困難也能順暢進行下去。 3. 老師慷慨提供金屬刺繡相關資訊,例如參考書籍、相關協會、網站...等,學生於課程結束後能輕鬆找到最佳資源繼續學習。 最初對金屬刺繡有興趣,是著眼於與服飾的整合應用,希望未來還有類似的課程!”




Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - Online workshop


📅 Date : 5th April 2024

⏰ Time: 10:00-13:00 BST (3 hours in total)

📍 Location: Microsoft Teams (Link will be sent to you one week before the workshop starts.)

📘Language: Mandarin

More information for English workshops: https://rosieembroidery.com/collections/workshops/products/introduction-to-tambour-embroidery-online-workshop

*Materials included -

Tambour hook with 3-size-needles, Silk organza, Fil a Gant thread, flat sequins, seed beads, bugle beads and a tracing pattern.

*Please note that there are no refunds for the courses, except if materials are not delivered on time. Please confirm your availability before registering. For more details, refer to the Q&A below.

*You will need to prepare -

  1. A seat frame or a slate frame. (Or even just an embroidery hoop with 2 woodwork clamps(10cm), refers to the last photo) Suggested hoop size: 16.5 cm.

  2. A pencil for tracing the pattern.

  3. Stainless steel embroidery scissors.

*Tambour Heart Patch Starter Kits are available to add on, kit includes -

1. Step-by-step digital instructions  

2. Embroidery hoop

  3. Tambour hook handle

  4. Tambour needle x 3 (Sizes 70/100/120)

  5. Silk organza

  6. Fil-a-Gant thread - red

 7. Red crystals

  8. Preciosa seed beads

  9. Miyuki gold glass seed beads

  10. Preciosa black seed beads

  11. Printed pattern

*Embroidery Starter Tool Kits are available to add on, kit includes -

1. Stainless steel embroidery scissors*1

2. Stainless steel very fine tweezers*1

3. Size12 needles*5

4. Beechwood embroidery hoop(16.5cm)*1


[About online classes]

*The link will be sent to you one week before the workshop starts.

Materials will be prepared and shipped to you before the class.

Shipping is free in the UK.


Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - Online workshop

In this workshop, I’ll talk you through the basics of Tambour embroidery. We’ll talk about the difference between Luneville and Aari (beading from the bottom/ beading from the top.) We'll be focusing on beading from the top in this workshop, and then we’ll do some practicing with the Tambour hook.

🌟 Workshop Highlights:

  • Mastering Tambour Embroidery Basics: Starting Tambour Embroidery may seem daunting, but fear not! Rosie will guide you through step by step, ensuring a smooth transition into this captivating technique. Once you grasp the basics, you'll find that Tambour embroidery opens up a world of possibilities, making beading more efficient and ultimately more rewarding.

  • Seven Different Tambour Embroidery Techniques: Under Rosie's expert guidance, you'll explore seven different techniques, each adding depth and intricacy to your creations. From delicate chain stitches to beadwork, you'll discover new avenues for creative expression and elevate your embroidery skills to new heights.

  • Unlocking the Secrets of Tambour Embroidery: Let Rosie, with her wealth of teaching experience, be your trusted guide on this enchanting journey. With her expert instruction and patient guidance, she'll ensure that Tambour embroidery becomes not just accessible, but also deeply enjoyable.

  • Crafting with Confidence: By the end of the workshop, you'll be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to continue your Tambour embroidery journey with ease. Whether you're embellishing garments, creating intricate designs, or adding a touch of elegance to accessories, Tambour embroidery will become a cherished tool in your artistic arsenal.

  • A Community of Creativity: Join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about the art of embroidery. Share stories, exchange tips, and forge lasting connections as you immerse yourself in a supportive and inspiring environment.

🎉 Reserve Your Spot: Join us for a day of creativity and the joy of hand embroidery. Limited spots available, so secure your spot now and get creative with Rosie!


Common Q&A:

Q: Can I join if I have no embroidery experience?

A: Absolutely! This workshop is perfect for beginners, and Rosie will guide everyone through the basics of Tambour embroidery in a simple and understandable way.

Q: Are materials included?

A: Yes, all materials needed for the project are included in the course fee. For the online workshops, Rosie will personally prepare and ship materials to each participant before the class. However, tools must be prepared by participants. If you're unsure about tools, write an email to rosie@rosieembrdoiery.com

Q: What if I don't understand the online class?

A: Rosie has extensive experience in both physical and online teaching. She explains concepts in a straightforward manner. The online class is equipped with two cameras, one facing Rosie and one on the project, ensuring easy understanding. Recordings of the entire session will be available for replay after class.

Q: Can I cancel if I can't attend at the last minute?

A: Unfortunately, due to limited slots and materials preparation, there are no refunds. However, in case of emergencies preventing attendance, Rosie can arrange for participation in another workshop or provide videos for completion at home.

Q: Is the shipping cost for materials expensive?

A: Shipping costs are based on the Royal Mail price list: Free in the UK, £8.95 in Europe, £10 for Taiwan and the USA.

For any further questions, feel free to email rosie@rosieembroidery.com.


What Past Students Have to Say:

"Rosie's teachingis very approachable and easy to understand. I've been wanting to try embroidery, and this provided a fantastic introduction.The embroidery hoop and tools I purchased are also very practical, especially the scissors – they look amazing!"

"Even though the course was just for a day,it was incredibly rewarding. Perfectly designed teaching tools, beautiful and intricate projects combining various goldwork techniques – it motivated me to learn more.Rosie provides complete and high-quality tools and materials, making it easy for beginners to get started. She is friendly and attentive, providing assistance and encouragement throughout. She generously shares information about goldwork embroidery, including reference books, associations, websites, etc., making it easy for students to find the best resources for further learning. I initially became interested in goldwork embroidery for its integration with clothing, and I hope there will be similar courses in the future!"

"Thanks to the teacher for reminding us of many details during the teaching, introducing us to various techniques and ways of using them.Very interesting – looking forward to future courses!"

"I really like the teacher's teaching style, and I've gained a lot. Looking forward to next year's courses!"

Thank you!

© Rosie Embroidery 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

法繡基礎班 Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - 線上課程


📅 日期:2024年4月5日

⏰ 時間:英國夏令時間上午10:00-13:00/ 台灣時間18:00-21:00(總計3小時)

📍 地點:Microsoft Teams(工作坊開始前一周將發送連結。)

📘 語言:中文


*包含材料 -

附有3種不同尺寸的 Tambour鉤針 、蠶絲歐根紗、Fil a Gant 手縫線、各式玻璃珠、亮片、描圖版型、線上講義、教材。

*您需要自行準備 -

1. 一個法繡繡框(slate frame)或一般繡框和木工桌鉗(10cm),參見最後一張照片。建議繡框尺寸:16.5厘米。

2. 一支鉛筆用於描繪圖案。

3. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀。

Tambour Heart Patch 材料包可加購,內容包括 -

1. 櫸木繡框(16.5cm)

2. 法式鉤針(Tambour hook)

3. 法繡鉤針三種不同尺寸(尺寸70/100/120)

4. 蠶絲歐根紗

5. Fil-a-Gant 手縫線

6. 紅色水晶珠

7. Preciosa 玻璃珠

8. Miyuki 金色玻璃珠

9. Preciosa 黑色玻璃珠

10. 描圖版型

11. 詳細線上指導手冊

*刺繡新手工具包可加購,內容包括 -

1. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀*1

2. 不銹鋼極細鑷子*1

3. 12號手縫針*5

4. 櫸木繡框(16.5厘米)*1





* 所有作品會用到的材料都包含在費用中,上課之前會幫各位同學準備好寄到你們手中,運費另計(英國免運/ 台灣£10/ 美國£10/ 歐洲£8.95)

* 請注意,所有課程除了材料未能如期送達之外皆不提供退款服務,請確認好時間再報名,相關資訊請往下滑見Q&A


法繡基礎班 Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - 線上課程

  • 這個工作坊,Rosie將帶您了解Tambour法式刺繡的基礎知識。

    我們將討論Luneville和Aari(從底部繡珠/從頂部繡珠)之間的區別。在這個工作坊中,我們將會以於從頂部繡珠為主,然後會帶領同學一起使用Tambour hook 做基礎練習。

    🌟 工作坊亮點:





🎉 名額有限,請有興趣的同學儘早報名!



Q: 我完全沒有刺繡的經驗,可以參加嗎?

A: 當然可以!這次的法式刺繡基礎班適合所有初學者,Rosie會使用淺顯易懂的方式領導大家從認識法式刺繡以及由簡入繁的實作練習。

Q: 材料有包含嗎?

A: 有的,這個作品會用到的所有材料都會包含在課程費用內。線上課程在開始上課前我會將每個人的材料親自準備好寄到你們手中。但是工具請自備,如果您不知道怎麼準備工具,Rosie也有幫你們精挑細選我私心覺得最好用的工具組,在加購選項選擇即可。或是想再加購一組愛心珠繡材料包作課後練習也記得點選加購喔!


1. 一個法繡繡框(slate frame)或一般繡框和木工桌鉗(10cm),參見最後一張照片。建議繡框尺寸:16.5厘米。

2. 一支鉛筆用於描繪圖案。

3. 不銹鋼刺繡剪刀。

加購的工具組內涵:1.極精細不鏽鋼鑷子 2.不鏽鋼刺繡剪刀 3.12號手縫繡針5支 4. 16.5cm 櫸木繡框

Q: 線上課看不懂怎麼辦?

A: Rosie有豐富的實體/線上教學經驗,會以非常淺顯易懂的方式解說。另外線上課程全程都會有一個鏡頭面對Rosie,一個鏡頭面對作品,所以不需要擔心看不懂的問題。教學內容也會開放同學全程錄影(禁止公開發表),下課後以便同學隨時回放複習。

Q: 我不知道我有沒有辦法坐著刺繡這麼長的時間

A: 刺繡是一個可以讓自己放慢步調的休閒活動,如果您每天都很忙碌,希望可以空出時間和自己對話、放鬆身心,那這個工作坊再適合您不過了。很多學生在上完課都說:沒想到刺繡的時候時間過這麼快!一下沒注意時間就過去了。

Q: 可以帶非台灣朋友體驗課程嗎?

A: 當然沒問題!Rosie的學生來自世界各地,選擇班次時請選擇您的偏好語言。

Q: 如果報名了但臨時不能上課可以取消嗎?

A: 很抱歉,由於人數很少,報名後就會幫所有同學留名額以及準備材料,所以所有課程都是沒有退費服務的。但是假如真的臨時有緊急狀況不能來,只要寫信跟我說,我可以安排您參加其他場次的工作坊,或是提供影片讓您在家完成。

Q: 材料運費會不會很貴?

A: 所有運費都是依照Royal Mail價目表估算。


如果以上還有任何問題,歡迎寫信至 rosie@rosieembroidery.com 詢問




“課程雖然只有短短一天,但收穫滿滿,原因如下: 1. 完美設計的教具 - 作品精緻美麗,融合多種金屬刺繡技法,讓人有學習的動力。且提供完整且品質良好的工具與材料,方便初學者上手。 2. 老師親切細心,整個過程中一一巡視各個同學的情況,提供協助建議,還很不吝於鼓勵讚美,讓初學者不致於挫折,即使遇到困難也能順暢進行下去。 3. 老師慷慨提供金屬刺繡相關資訊,例如參考書籍、相關協會、網站...等,學生於課程結束後能輕鬆找到最佳資源繼續學習。 最初對金屬刺繡有興趣,是著眼於與服飾的整合應用,希望未來還有類似的課程!”




Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - Online workshop


📅 Date : 5th April 2024

⏰ Time: 10:00-13:00 BST (3 hours in total)

📍 Location: Microsoft Teams (Link will be sent to you one week before the workshop starts.)

📘Language: Mandarin

More information for English workshops: https://rosieembroidery.com/collections/workshops/products/introduction-to-tambour-embroidery-online-workshop

*Materials included -

Tambour hook with 3-size-needles, Silk organza, Fil a Gant thread, flat sequins, seed beads, bugle beads and a tracing pattern.

*Please note that there are no refunds for the courses, except if materials are not delivered on time. Please confirm your availability before registering. For more details, refer to the Q&A below.

*You will need to prepare -

  1. A seat frame or a slate frame. (Or even just an embroidery hoop with 2 woodwork clamps(10cm), refers to the last photo) Suggested hoop size: 16.5 cm.

  2. A pencil for tracing the pattern.

  3. Stainless steel embroidery scissors.

*Tambour Heart Patch Starter Kits are available to add on, kit includes -

1. Step-by-step digital instructions  

2. Embroidery hoop

  3. Tambour hook handle

  4. Tambour needle x 3 (Sizes 70/100/120)

  5. Silk organza

  6. Fil-a-Gant thread - red

 7. Red crystals

  8. Preciosa seed beads

  9. Miyuki gold glass seed beads

  10. Preciosa black seed beads

  11. Printed pattern

*Embroidery Starter Tool Kits are available to add on, kit includes -

1. Stainless steel embroidery scissors*1

2. Stainless steel very fine tweezers*1

3. Size12 needles*5

4. Beechwood embroidery hoop(16.5cm)*1


[About online classes]

*The link will be sent to you one week before the workshop starts.

Materials will be prepared and shipped to you before the class.

Shipping is free in the UK.


Introduction to Tambour Embroidery - Online workshop

In this workshop, I’ll talk you through the basics of Tambour embroidery. We’ll talk about the difference between Luneville and Aari (beading from the bottom/ beading from the top.) We'll be focusing on beading from the top in this workshop, and then we’ll do some practicing with the Tambour hook.

🌟 Workshop Highlights:

  • Mastering Tambour Embroidery Basics: Starting Tambour Embroidery may seem daunting, but fear not! Rosie will guide you through step by step, ensuring a smooth transition into this captivating technique. Once you grasp the basics, you'll find that Tambour embroidery opens up a world of possibilities, making beading more efficient and ultimately more rewarding.

  • Seven Different Tambour Embroidery Techniques: Under Rosie's expert guidance, you'll explore seven different techniques, each adding depth and intricacy to your creations. From delicate chain stitches to beadwork, you'll discover new avenues for creative expression and elevate your embroidery skills to new heights.

  • Unlocking the Secrets of Tambour Embroidery: Let Rosie, with her wealth of teaching experience, be your trusted guide on this enchanting journey. With her expert instruction and patient guidance, she'll ensure that Tambour embroidery becomes not just accessible, but also deeply enjoyable.

  • Crafting with Confidence: By the end of the workshop, you'll be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to continue your Tambour embroidery journey with ease. Whether you're embellishing garments, creating intricate designs, or adding a touch of elegance to accessories, Tambour embroidery will become a cherished tool in your artistic arsenal.

  • A Community of Creativity: Join a community of like-minded individuals passionate about the art of embroidery. Share stories, exchange tips, and forge lasting connections as you immerse yourself in a supportive and inspiring environment.

🎉 Reserve Your Spot: Join us for a day of creativity and the joy of hand embroidery. Limited spots available, so secure your spot now and get creative with Rosie!


Common Q&A:

Q: Can I join if I have no embroidery experience?

A: Absolutely! This workshop is perfect for beginners, and Rosie will guide everyone through the basics of Tambour embroidery in a simple and understandable way.

Q: Are materials included?

A: Yes, all materials needed for the project are included in the course fee. For the online workshops, Rosie will personally prepare and ship materials to each participant before the class. However, tools must be prepared by participants. If you're unsure about tools, write an email to rosie@rosieembrdoiery.com

Q: What if I don't understand the online class?

A: Rosie has extensive experience in both physical and online teaching. She explains concepts in a straightforward manner. The online class is equipped with two cameras, one facing Rosie and one on the project, ensuring easy understanding. Recordings of the entire session will be available for replay after class.

Q: Can I cancel if I can't attend at the last minute?

A: Unfortunately, due to limited slots and materials preparation, there are no refunds. However, in case of emergencies preventing attendance, Rosie can arrange for participation in another workshop or provide videos for completion at home.

Q: Is the shipping cost for materials expensive?

A: Shipping costs are based on the Royal Mail price list: Free in the UK, £8.95 in Europe, £10 for Taiwan and the USA.

For any further questions, feel free to email rosie@rosieembroidery.com.


What Past Students Have to Say:

"Rosie's teachingis very approachable and easy to understand. I've been wanting to try embroidery, and this provided a fantastic introduction.The embroidery hoop and tools I purchased are also very practical, especially the scissors – they look amazing!"

"Even though the course was just for a day,it was incredibly rewarding. Perfectly designed teaching tools, beautiful and intricate projects combining various goldwork techniques – it motivated me to learn more.Rosie provides complete and high-quality tools and materials, making it easy for beginners to get started. She is friendly and attentive, providing assistance and encouragement throughout. She generously shares information about goldwork embroidery, including reference books, associations, websites, etc., making it easy for students to find the best resources for further learning. I initially became interested in goldwork embroidery for its integration with clothing, and I hope there will be similar courses in the future!"

"Thanks to the teacher for reminding us of many details during the teaching, introducing us to various techniques and ways of using them.Very interesting – looking forward to future courses!"

"I really like the teacher's teaching style, and I've gained a lot. Looking forward to next year's courses!"

Thank you!

© Rosie Embroidery 2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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